Saturday 14 July 2012

untitled .

assalamualaikum dear friends :)

sorry lama tak update blog , taktau nak update apa actually and kadang-kadang dah tau nak update apa but lupa muehehe , sorry eh :)
ermmm recently ada a couple ni bergaduh di twitter , the girl is my practically my bestfriend while the guy not really heh :/ yang annoyingnya was that everything semua nak cerita through twitter benda-benda tak perlu laa nak dipublic sangat i think , i understand its a free country , you can do whatever you want , but really some things are better for you to keep it to yourself kottt , and ni yang paling annoying for me was when the guy started saying something like "its better if im dead rather then i see things like this " macam tu laa lebih kurang , ohh come on dude , kau nak pergi bunuh diri , kau punya pasal laaa ,but really appreciate laa Allah bagi kau panjang umur , at least ada chance untuk bertaubat ke apa , bukan untuk mendajjal -___- takkan sebab perempuan je nak bunuh diri , dude , use your common sense (if you have any) i believe ramai lagi yang kat luar tu that would appreciate life more than you do , ingatlah ajal itu tak mengenal usia , nanti tak sempat bertaubat , kau jugaa menyesal nanti , haishh enough said about him , speaking of ajal , recently 3 orang passed away , one of them not that close pun , hes one year older , he got into an accident dekat seremban highway , and another two were friends of my friend , yang passed away because of accident juga , so really ajal ni memang sangat-sangatlah tak mengenal usia , kalau boleh janganlah tunggu sampai ke tua baru nak amar maaruf nahi munkar dan sebagainya. we are human beings yang sememangnya tak lari from making mistakes , thus , sama-samalah kita perbaiki diri :)
whatever it is , please do recite Al-fatihah for them , thank you peeps :)