Thursday 13 September 2012

beijing :)

assalamualaikum warahmatullah dear friends ,

first of all , i apologize for those yang melawat blog ini (if any) and tengok tak ada post baru , nak update but everytime nak update mesti lupa nak tulis apa , haha , im truly terribly sorry :) okay btw , ada a few posts before ini i was talking bout going to mfi doing my pre-france and studying in france and stuff , but uhh Alhamdulillah syukur kepada Allah , i got another offer to study in beijing , china for the course economics , because of there is no preparation locally , i flew to beijing earlier than i thought which was on the 30th of august 2012 , Alhamdulillah everything went well , a lot of my family members and friends came to the airport , really appreciate it you guys , thank you for coming :)
and uh perkembangan di beijing so far Alhamdulillah sangat superb , with very supportive friends here , we are like a family , and after meeting 33 of our seniors here from malaysia , lagi seronok because they are like always asking about our progress and stuff , syukur sangat .
the hostel here is superb ! it really is like a hotel , ada fridge , tv , aircond , our own toilet and even room service ! muehehe . and so far ada laa jalan-jalan in beijing but not yet all the historical stuff like forbidden city , summer palace and yetta yetta yetta , will reach there soon insyaAllah :) 
and then ada one time tu seniors ajak makan luar right after pegi ikea to buy some stuff , and theres a halal Malaysian food which was pretty good Alhamdulillah even though its not spicy T.T but enough of that , the main point nak cakap actually is about solat , of course in beijing we dont hear azan sebab masjid jauh , if dengar pun laptop je laa , we dont see surau anywhere and stuff , so masa sampai tu belum asar lagi , so kami mengerjakan solat asar di depan lif , sebab ada ruang dekat situ , solat je laa over there , masa tu subhanallah , taktau rasa macam mana nak express rasa bersyukurnya menjadi malaysian whereby kemudahan untuk beribadah itu sangat banyak , its like everywhere . and syukur that i was raised in an environment where the muslim community is strong ,but syukur juga kepada Allah because halal food tak susah nak cari with the help of seniors of course or else memang terkapai-kapai laa cerita dia . haha . 
bout my teachers and classmates , one word can basically explain everything , they are AWESOME . seriously , there is a guy in my class named charles , hes from Caribbean , once in class he was tapping my back with a pen and asked me "why do you wear this stuff" and pointing at my hijab , so Alhamdulillah syukur kepada Allah dapat laa menyampaikan  a little bit of islam to him , i explained some stuff , and all he replied was "interesting" ,  i really hope that with the brief  explanation i gave to him he would be interested in islam insyaAllah :)
and then somehow my blackberry messenger was not working , so he fixed it , alhamdulillah boleh guna , yeay ! and then dekat charles punya bbm to ada a little kid , so the next morning in class , i asked him if it was his sister , and he nodded yes . but when i went back to the hostel in the afternoon , he bbm me , and said "this girl in my picture is my child , this is something i say only to you , we do not speak of this to anyone else . it is not spoken of , i trust you for some reason " i was overwhelmed . 
so this is actually how our conversation started : 

me : ohh really ? cool :D you trust me ? thats truly an honour , thank you . btw , are you married ? 

C : you have a trustworthy attitude , and you are a serious young lady , no i am not married , but i gave her mother a house and give them 3000 dollars every month . 

me : ohh thank you , i appreciate that a lot , youre a good man , thats for sure , i truly respect you for being a responsible father .

C : yes , i make sure that they are both comfortable , i am not with her because she is not a woman who can stay faithful , so i chose to not have drama in my life but i will not be mean to her because of it , she gave me a beautiful daughter ,and she went through a lot of pain to do this so i have much respect for her .

me : wow , i seldom meet guys whom really respect women like you do , awesome , truly awesome .

C : my friends think i am a "dumb ass" and that i should treat her like a dog .

me : well , dont treat her like a dog because somehow she is still a human being ,why dont you instead pray for her that she will change and God's will , she will :) everybody makes mistakes , just pray for her that she'll change , hopefully :) 

C : :) i do that .

me : may Allah bless you charles !

this guy is like someone i barely know , ive known him for less than 2 weeks , but hes very open with me , i really hope that he'll be open enough to embrace islam , saya nak berdakwah pun tak hebat , masih banyak tak tahu , but hopefully insyaAllah slowly but istiqamah i could improve myself and at the same time help him insyaAllah . 
ohh and yeah for those yang berada di overseas or akan pergi tonight , tomorrow , tulat mulat semua , goodluck :) jaga diri , jaga iman , may Allah ease everything , moga kita sentiasa tabah walau apapun dugaan yang dihadapi , ingatlah Allah bagi dugaan kepada mereka yang Dia sayang kan ? :)keep me in your prayers hopefully insyaAllah as you all are in mine :) take care , assalamualaikum . *maaf panjang*