Friday 14 September 2012

le classmate ^__^

assalamualaikum :)

remember the last post where i told you guys about the classmate that shows his interest in Islam , well , guess what ? he asked me for a Quran , subhanallah , menangis sekejap bila dia minta kitab suci Al-Quran ,tak sangka like seriously ! and before that dia tanya a lot of questions like  
 how does someone become a muslim ? 
what is the male muslim lifestyle ? 
how do muslims get married ? 
saya nak jawab pun bukan hebat banyak ilmu di dada seperti para alim ulama . with the help of seniors and friends , alhamdulillah managed to menjawab certain complicated questions , but then seorang senior ,  menyatakan agar jangan focuskan dia on the complicated parts , start with the root , start from the basic of Islam , tanamkan rasa cinta kepada Allah dulu , baru boleh bincang yang lebih mendalam , the caribbean guy seems very open to learn islam and the last thing he said to me was "thank you for an insightful conversation , my eyes are opened now " subhanallah ! 
sahabat-sahabat yang dikasihi , jom laa kita mendoakan agar terbuka hati dia to convert to islam , atleast dapat laa kita sambut saudara baru kan ? :)