Friday 26 October 2012

motif ?

Assalamualaikum gals ^__^

the thing that i want to write today is about something that i sort of accidentally saw on twitter if im not mistaken , or was it facebook ? short-term memory , sorry :/
 doesn't matter anyway . and that thing i saw was a girl that cursed publicly without feeling guilty , she probably felt guilty , i dont know , heh , but she did cursed anyway . let me ask you a question .
 is it normal nowadays for girls to use swear words in daily life , and feel proud of it ? 
is it like a routine ? is it the language that is taught by islam ? by Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) ? 
where are your manners young lady ?! 
some people think that its another way to release anger and stress . hey dont get me wrong , i curse sometimes , im not perfect you know , but im not proud of it , i dont go post it on the internet , plus , i usually curse inside my head . BUT! it doesnt matter if it is cursing in the inside or outside !
 time to make a change , these whole swear words are not beneficial at all , 
makin tinggi saham dosa , lagi keras hati , but still doa agar mendapat hidayah daripada Allah ,
 how is that ? you dont just pray for Allah to show you the right path , to give you hidayah, 
but you dont work for it  , no effort to change , it doesnt have to a drastic change , 
just like a friend of mine said :

"to be a full fledge muslim is not something you can achieve in a jiffy "  

true ^__^ thats why islam offers istiqamah . slowly but istiqamah . 
"make today better than yesterday. make tomorrow better than today".
when you read this , you must be thinking " laa kau ni yani , bajet je , kau tu pun bukan bagus mana" well , let me tell you something , i do sins everyday , i cant escape it ,its i guess what we call fitrah manusia ? correct me if im wrong .  but im trying to slowly change , and i dont just want to change myself , i want for us to change together for the better , and Alhamdulillah for those who have , a job well done to you . 
so gorgeous gorgeous gals ! lets be better muslimah ^_^ ohh and to guys too , try to control your nafs to curse :)